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About Me

My Story

I understand how difficult anxiety can be because I silently suffered from it as well.


Rewind to my early 20’s when I was living as a complete perfectionist and was plagued by panic attacks, sleepless nights, emotional eating, and excessive exercise. As a high functioning anxious person, I did not believe in rest, recovery, or relaxation while trying to prove that I was “good enough.” To make matters worse, I was prescribed synthetic medications for a faulty thyroid and sluggish GI tract. Ultimately, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, which is caused by a virus that plants itself in the liver, thyroid, and central nervous system. Once all of this energy came to a head, I realized my life needed to change.


I spent the next twenty years becoming educated and certified in several different healing modalities to personally heal my body, brain, beliefs, and spirit. All of my energy and time was devoted to improving my personal growth. Through reading and research, I was able to determine the type of whole foods and supplements I should eat in order to manage Hashimoto's and the underlying virus that drives it. I went on to become a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and with this certification, began to specialize in supporting women on how to manage their own "autoimmune" issues. 


​Through my own educational knowledge and research, I realized that food is our best medicine. But there was still a piece that was missing. Hormone Optimization.


​Our hormones drive everything. They are constantly in flux, some even change hourly, and they are often impacted by stress. In order to keep our energy, mood, and waistlines in check, especially as we transition through mid-life. That is exactly why I went on to obtain education in analyzing hormones through the DUTCH Test. This functional endocrinology test provided me with even more in-depth knowledge on exactly how to manage my hormones, which communicate with my thyroid and adrenals. Now I know exactly how to preserve my energy, maintain my goal weight, and stay calm.


​In addition to recreating a nutritional lifestyle, I discovered yoga as another natural way to reduce my inflammation and manage my anxiety. Little did I know at the time, but this practice would lend a hand in the healing of my central nervous system which was flooded with the neurotoxins that were the root cause of my inflammation and thyroid disease. From the benefits of yoga, I would fall in love with this practice, resulting in my pursuit to obtain over 500 hours of certification in yoga.


The knowledge I learned in my own personal journey is something that I can share with you in the fraction of the time it took me, thus shortening your learning curve. More than likely, you have left your doctor's office more confused and defeated than when you walked in. I know I did. Together, we will get to a place where feeling bad, anxious, depressed, or sick is a thing of the past.

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  • HTMA Level 2 Practitioner, 2024

  • Foundations in Nutrigenomics, 2024

  • Yoga Nidra Certified, 2024

  • EFT & Tapping: Evidence-Based Mind-Body Treatment Approach to the Anxiety Spectrum Disorders, 2024

  • Harvard Medical School Executive Education: Health & Wellness: Designing a Sustainable Nutrition Plan, 2023

  • 3x4 Fundamentals Certification, 2023

  • America Association of Drugless Practitioners Certification (AADP), 2023

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Expert, (HTMA) 2023

  • Dutch Test Certified through Midlife Hormone Mastery, 2022

  • BioMed Network Provider, 2022

  • Yin Yoga Certified, 2022

  • Behavior Change Specialist: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), 2021

  • 300-hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor, 2019

  • Restorative Yoga Certified, 2019

  • 200-hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor, 2016

  • Certified Health Coach: Institute of Integrative Nutrition, 2013

  • Nazareth College of Rochester-Master's Degree: Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2004

  • Nazareth College of Rochester-Bachelor's Degree: Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2003

  • SLP licensed in Massachusetts


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